With over 70cm (2+ ft) in two snowfalls over 3-4 days coupled with cold temperatures, we were feeling a bit housebound. So we headed over the Fletcher Wildlife Garden for a walk hoping the paths might have been trodden a bit. 
The paths were packed down, but only a single person wide which made passing the few others that were, a little tricky at times. 
We thought we might spot the barred owl - when we arrived other photographers were talking about a boreal owl and weren't interested in the barred owl (been there, done that). We did find the barred owl quite quickly, although I managed to walk by it without seeing it🙄.
No one reported seeing the boreal owl.
The barred was sitting fully exposed in a deciduous tree not very high off the ground, not paying attention to much of anything.

There were a few cardinals around
The juncos were more co-operative than the chickadees which was unusual
The (relatively) new bridge was soaking up the sunshine
The wild clematis on the archway into the wildflower gardens was covered with snow and a few icicles. 
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